CRPA Exam Prep and Support Resources

Exam Prep Study Guides:

ASAP CRPA Exam Prep Workshop Flier (online video $10 download unlimited access) —->

FREE IC&RC Competency Standards for the Peer Recovery (PR) Profession (a helpful tool for exam prep based on 2013 Job Analysis)

FREE CANDIDATE GUIDE for the IC&RC Peer Recovery Examination (based on the 2013 Peer Recovery Job Analysis)

FREE Rhode Island Peer Recovery Certification STUDY GUIDE FOR THE CERTIFICATION EXAM

FREE 2017 IC&RC Sample Exam for Peer Recovery Certification

* All Study Resources above are found here.


Checklist for CRPA application:

  • You have completed, or are in the process of completing, 500 hours peer advocate role experience in the field (job, volunteer, internship, community work, etc.)

  • You have received 25 hours supervision in the above role experience

  • You have completed 50 hours of NYCB-approved peer recovery training (note: all Recovery Coach University training and instructors are NYCB-approved)

    • 46 hours foundational training (30 Hr ccar RCA and 16 Hr ccar ethics, plus 4 hours RCU Medication Supported Recovery CRPA Certification)

  • You have a High School Diploma / equivalent / or higher

  • You are 18 years (or older)


Join the Private Facebook Group for Peer Recovery Professionals:

Western NY Recovery Coach & Peer Advocate Network - a private group for those who have earned certification or who have completed training and on their way toward certification. Don’t forget to answer the 3 questions! This facebook is for anyone from any state meeting the eligibility questions.

Attend Free bi-weekly PLC (Peer Learning Collaborative) Meetings with Peer Colleagues:

3RD Wednesdays In Person and Virtual PLC, 4:30 - 6pm ET - Register Here just once to be added to the email distribution list for meeting reminders and Zoom Links

July 1, 2020 PLC Zoom Meeting

July 1, 2020 PLC Zoom Meeting


Follow us and join the Recovery Coach University Alumni Social Media Groups for lively conversation, live events, important updates and resources! Click below: