Cost: $325
“I learned more about my own spirituality than I thought I knew; I also learned how to help others who choose Spirituality as a pathway of recovery.”
12 Hr. CCAR Spirituality for Recovery Coaches
Learn how to best support others on a Spirituality Pathway of Recovery. For Recovery professionals supporting individuals in multiple pathways of recovery.
*Participants must have access to both audio and video connection. This RCU Zoom/Virtual Training is approved through 4/2024 by ASAP-NYCB for CARC Elective Hours and for CRPA and CARC Renewal Hours. It is also now ASAP NYS - approved for Social Work CE’s.
Please order your CCAR Spirituality Participant Manual asap!
Course Description:
The purpose of this program is to help you as a recovery coach understand what spirituality is and how you would help someone in their own process of discovering spirituality. This two day course will help you explore your own beliefs and values as it comes to spirituality. This training will provide you with the tools and resources needed as a recovery coach so you can speak about spirituality in a way that is accepting of others. Just like the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy (RCA), this training is going to challenge you in a way that helps to promote your own understanding of spirituality. We believe that spirituality plays a large part in recovery and hope that by completing this course, you will be able to help those you serve understand, accept and embrace spirituality for themselves.
Learning Objectives:
Define spirituality.
Explore personal beliefs and values as it comes to spirituality.
Discover how to work with others whose spiritual beliefs may be different than yours.
Learn about the tools, resources, and language needed for a recovery coach to address spirituality in a way that is inclusive.
Lisa Nichols, M Ed, RCP, RCPF, CARC, CRPA, CPS Amanda Toal, AAS, CARC